Entries in podcast (3)


Film Photography Podcast Episode 64, Check It Out!

"Lake O'Neil, Getting Closer" Shot during Photostock 2012.

Hey guys and gals! If you're reading this blog, chances are you might be a film shooter, or at very least, someone that enjoys photography deeply. Well, at the Film Photography Podcast, we too eat, sleep, and breathe photography. If you haven't already, please check out our latest episode, #64 over at the FPP website.

This new episode features a slew of great interviews from artists at Photostock 2012, and even a sit down with president of the used camera giant, KEH.


"Live" Interview with Film Photography Podcast

Copyright 2010 Michael Raso, Film Photography Podcast

Part of the reason I haven't been as prolific with the blog lately is because I've been on the road for the past two weeks. I'll be home, up and running by next week. Until then, here's a short little spoiler of the awesome-ness that has been this trip. 

Last Friday, I spent all day in NYC at the Jacob Javits Convention center at the 2010 Photo Plus Expo hosted by Photo District News. While there, I got to meet and talk with the hosts of my now favorite photography podcast, Michael Raso and Duane Polcou. For a little over a year now, both Duane and Mike have been hosting the Film Photography Podcast, a neat little internet radio program about all things analog photography.

Over the past couple of months, I've mentioned them here and there, but at this point and time, I'm hopelessly addicted to the podcast. It's funny, random, not too technical, and just plain enjoyable to listen to while in the car, processing film, or just sitting around trying to come up with a witty blog post. :p In July, a fan letter I wrote made it onto the show, and as of today I'm on the November 5th edition of the podcast. Be sure to check it out:

November 5th Film Photography Podcast  (right click "Save As" to download)

You don't even have to listen that long to hear where I come in, I'm first up. ^__^ If you didn't have a chance to visit PDN, though, the podcast has plenty of coverage of the latest in greatest from PPE (well, as long as you don't care about digital :p).

Make sure to show FPP some love, they're great guys supporting an ever-growing community. Send 'em some film, old cameras, make a quick little Paypal donation, or even shoot an email, it'll definitely be appreciated.

FPP Flickr Group

FPP on Facebook

FPP on Twitter


Photography While You Drive: The Power of Podcasts

One aspect of being a photographer in rural Ohio that often yanks my chain is the drive to and from locations. Hell, to go grocery shopping is usually a 20+ mile excursion. A boring drive, yes, very boring; this time of year its nothing but corn, wheat and soybeans as far as the eye can see. What do I do to breakup the monotony of my commute? Why I brush up on my photography…behind the wheel, of course.  As much as I love listening about Hollywood drama on morning blab radio, I feel podcasts are a  way to keep me entertained, energized, and excited while heading out to a shoot.

For those that haven't visited the iTunes stored since about 2004, a podcast is a mixed media, predominantly  audio, broadcast offered for listening over the internet for viewers to download and listen to on their mobile media player. The cream of the crop podcasts typically offer the latest news, technology, and general consumer info for their own specified field. If you were to logon to iTunes right now, you'd find a podcast for just about anything (or about 1000 for photography).

Photography podcasts, specifically, come in all shapes and sizes; from short and tech savvy to a few hours of off the cuff, unrelated entertainment. Just getting started with photography? There's a podcast for you. Want the latest news on digital and lighting equipment? Check. Never migrated from film to digital and want to stay that way? There's even a hand-full for you. Granted that there are tons to choose from and that they're FREE, I personally suggest downloading a bunch, listen in for an entire episode (if possible), and judge for yourself which ones are right for you. 

Below is the extended list of all the podcasts that may accompany me during a drive. Each serves its own unique purpose, so be sure to check out the description and decide which one is right for you:

Film Photography Podcast (FPP) - http://filmphotographypodcast.com

A little newer to the scene, FPP is a monthly, most recently bi-monthly, podcast brought to you by some diehard film shooters from New Jersey. They're funny, off-topic, loaded with sound-effects, and often carry on the podcast well past the hour mark. If you find yourself talking to random strangers in a photo shop about photography, give FPP a try, you'll like it.  Oh yeah, and the podcast has a very tight-knit following on Flickr. So tight, that I even managed to get mentioned in their July broadcast. P.S. They send listeners FREE FILM!!!

Lightsource  - http://www.studiolighting.net

A pretty tried and true podcast, Lightsource is the official podcast accompanying Studiolighting.net and its wealth of knowledge. Each month there's a little bit of news, a new guest, and a topic usually warranting the expertise of the month's guest. Clear-cut, straightforward, just about an hour long, and you can learn lots from it.

LIME's Happy Hour - http://www.squeezethelime.com

Bert Stephani and Pieter Van Impe are two crazy Belgian photographers whose lighting skills are only outdone by their ability to keep an audience entertained. Usually just the two of them, the 1-2 hour podcast usually covers an aspect of photography that's new to beginner and intermediate photographers seeking some more knowledge. They have great stories, great work, and really make the best of out the daily commute.

Pro Photo Show - http://www.prophotoshow.net

Gavin Seim, author of Lightroom's well renowned "Seim Effects", is a younger guy slowly immersing himself into the professional photography world. For someone also just getting their feet wet, this podcast is perfect; for everyone else, it feels kind of like a news podcast that trails off a bit into nowhere.

Photonetcast - http://www.photonetcast.com

Another podcast of the long-time-running variety. Nearly an hour long, loaded with commentary, and usually chock full of gear, news, and debate. If you'd prefer your local radio show talk more about photography, this would probably be the closest to that experience.

This Week in Photography (TWIP) - http://www.twiplog.com

A very, very tech involved podcast that is for photographers that definitely take it to the next level with their web presence (or would like to). As the title implies, the podcast is weekly, with tech rich content, and new guests to comment on the week/month's hot topics in photography. For a quick, hour long update on the photography world, TWIP is a podcast to check out.