Entries in Film Photography Podcast (8)


Film Photography Podcast Episode 64, Check It Out!

"Lake O'Neil, Getting Closer" Shot during Photostock 2012.

Hey guys and gals! If you're reading this blog, chances are you might be a film shooter, or at very least, someone that enjoys photography deeply. Well, at the Film Photography Podcast, we too eat, sleep, and breathe photography. If you haven't already, please check out our latest episode, #64 over at the FPP website.

This new episode features a slew of great interviews from artists at Photostock 2012, and even a sit down with president of the used camera giant, KEH.


Film Photography Podcast, NYC 2012 Meetup

Man how time flies when you're out on the road attending meetup after meetup!

FPP Meetup group posing in front of Lomography NYC for an 8x10 group shot. Image by FPP Host/Founder Michael Raso.

Just a quick update for everybody out there, last weekend was the Film Photography Podcast NYC Meetup 2012 edition. The day was headed up by FPP contributor Dan Domme, site designer Michael Calleia and his lovely wife Erica. There were plenty of folks in attendance, and we had a glorious, sunshine-filled afternoon with which to visit Lomography NYC, Washington Square Park, Chinatown, and finally The Impossible Project NYC space. Check out the full episode BONUS FPP episode below (complete with videos, show notes, and more!).


But that's not all, folks! Meetup season is just getting into full swing, be sure to check out the FPP Main Site for meetup details and updates.



Another Summer of Film, Another Project!

Hello all you film shooters out there. It's only been a little over a month since The 52 Project ended, and boy did it ever end with a bang! There was a Film Photography Podcast Midwest Meetup AND a gallery show at The University of Findlay Lea Gallery. There were some great folks, lots of film, and a whole mess of fun.

And just so everyone out there can feel the love, here's a look into the FPP Midwest Meetup:

We followed-up this awesome afternoon with a Gallery Show:


 Tough act to follow, right? Well, a little extra thinking lead me to yet another project. Here goes...

The One-A-Day Project

  1. One 8x10 picture taken each day.
  2. Any subject, any time, any place.
  3. Same film, Ilford HP5+
  4. Same developer, Pyrocat HD 1:1:100
  5. Same paper, Ilford MG IV Fiber 8x10
  6. Same paper developer, Dektol 1:2

The basic idea of this project is to get me to shoot the 8x10 regularly, comfortably, and in every conceivable situation. And at the end of each week, I'll head up to the darkroom, develop, and print what I've taken for the week. Pretty easy, right? ;)

Week 1 is already in the can, post coming soon, so stay tuned!

-Keep on shooting film!