It's been a long time coming, but finally getting around to making the website a more photo heavy, user-friendly, and aesthetically pleasing place to visit.
If you're new to the site or just looking to explore what's new, please check out my new projects Gallery.
As always, you can find my up-to-the-minute latest work on my Flickr page, but stay tuned to the blog, as more changes are coming, along with some really exciting features for 2012!
Hope everyone had happy holidays, and will continue to do so throughout the new year!
Hello all you film shooters out there. It's only been a little over a month since The 52 Project ended, and boy did it ever end with a bang! There was a Film Photography Podcast Midwest Meetup AND a gallery show at The University of Findlay Lea Gallery. There were some great folks, lots of film, and a whole mess of fun.
And just so everyone out there can feel the love, here's a look into the FPP Midwest Meetup:
We followed-up this awesome afternoon with a Gallery Show:
Tough act to follow, right? Well, a little extra thinking lead me to yet another project. Here goes...
The One-A-Day Project
One 8x10 picture taken each day.
Any subject, any time, any place.
Same film, Ilford HP5+
Same developer, Pyrocat HD 1:1:100
Same paper, Ilford MG IV Fiber 8x10
Same paper developer, Dektol 1:2
The basic idea of this project is to get me to shoot the 8x10 regularly, comfortably, and in every conceivable situation. And at the end of each week, I'll head up to the darkroom, develop, and print what I've taken for the week. Pretty easy, right? ;)
Week 1 is already in the can, post coming soon, so stay tuned!
Wow, it's been two months already, where has the time gone?!
Well, The 52 Project has just ended, and boy were there a LOT of great images to sort through. On top of that, here's what else has been going on since late April: