Entries in medium format (7)


The 52 Project, Week 37: UF Animal Day

Less than one week from the events of Week 36, the University of Findlay hosted its annual, badly advertised "Animal Day". Each year, the day it's held on seems to change, so this week's roll was reactive, to the degree of, "Oh shit, exotic animals! Better get some snaps in."


Chinchillas, so soft they'll make your head explode.



There's not too much to say about cute, cuddly chinchillas that hasn't already been said. Their softness knows no bounds, they're fantastic pets, and within our generation will most likely become extinct in the wild. But millions of fluffy domesticated chinchillas are still ok too, right?



Now we're getting slightly more uncommon...



 Next up, we find the always-ready-for-a-picture-girlfriend, Lauren, carefully holding onto this little sneezing ball of spines we call the hedgehog. This little guy was great for holding one on one, but really starting whining and crying out when he realized there were a lot of other people around him. Not sure how much I like the out of focus background in this picture, it's a little too painterly for me, especially in the tones surrounding the hedgehog. Cute shot, none-the-less.



Everybody loved staring at this guy's sharp teeth.


Not often will you come across a tiny crocodile without some sort of protective band around its mouth. This little guy was being held by a large number of students, with no incidents to boot! Don't be fooled by his happy smile and kind eye, give him a split second of an opening and he'll go for it. Photographically, this also meant catching him with a fast shutter speed. 1/250th of a second can often be too slow for these guys.



Loving the silvery tones on this armored armadillo.



Another high-speed handful in this bunch of visiting animals was this playful little armadillo. When not being calm and protected in ball-form in his cage, he was skitterring about all over the plastic tables he was being "demo'd" on. In this shot, I had to use the close-up filter attachment to the Hasselblad's 80mm f/2.8 T* lens, meaning focusing his high-strungness was a nightmare. This was the "sharpest" shot I ended up with.



Kids, don't try perching a Great Hornbill at home!


If this week's portraits are starting to remind you of last week's Toledo Cat Show, there's a good reason for that! Same nasty lighting situation, same need for high shutter speeds, same film emulsion, same exact processing regimen. The only thing different is that this week, Lauren is holding a 45 year old endangered bird on her jacket. Luckily, this bird was a very docile female, who was a complete attention whore, denoted by it's "smug" look seen to the right. As if Lauren needed another reason to get excited about the upcoming animated feature, "Rio". >__>



Something Good: I've really dialed in how to shoot TMax 400 @ ISO 3200 and get predictable results while pushing in diluted D-76.

Something Bad: The background was a little busy in many of the shots, and also the heavy "bokeh" or out of focus areas really highlight the grain of this 3-stop push.

Something Learned: From now on, I'm always carrying an emergency pro-pack, 5 rolls, of Kodak Tmax 400 with the Hasselblad kit!

Next Week: An epic road trip to NJ and NYC with Lauren.


The 52 Project, Week 36: Toledo Cat Show

By now it's probably becoming quite obvious...if there's an event in the greater Toledo, OH region that has animals, I'm there! Surprisingly enough, I never thought of myself as an animal person, but take all the casual animal pictures out of The 52 Project, and it starts to look pretty empty. Oh well, guess it wouldn't hurt to add a FEW more weeks of animal fun into the "pool". 


Judges carefully examine each contestant.



The weekend just before Valentines Day 2011, I dragged Lauren along with me to the Toledo area cat show titled, "My Stormy Valentine". Typically, this name is in reference to the god-awful weather Toledo experiences this time of year. Thankfully, I don't know a single cat show that doesn't take place indoors.



Personally, I attend the show for the Maine Coons.


If you've never been to a cat show before, it's an interesting time, to say the least. People from all over the region bring their domesticated divas to a large gathering of similarly aged/bred cats to be crowned "Champion" or "Best of Breed". Each breed of cat has its own unique, aesthetically aimed standards that judges coming from all around the country are trained to identify via inspection. The process looks as weird as it sounds, as you can see by the pictures littered throughout this post.


Check out the grain, pushed 400 -> 3200!


 Usually when attending this cat show, I set small goals for myself. In years past, I've set goals such as "photograph owners that look like their pets" or "capture as many different breeds as possible". This year, it didn't really feel like there was any such goal, but as the afternoon progressed, it became evident that I was on candid duty. More than years previous, I concentrated on the interactions between the judges and the judge-ees.



This Maine Coon was not a happy kitty.


 The lighting in this building was horrid, to say the least. Everything you see this week was shot with Kodak TMax 400 @ ISO 3200, pushed in D-76! Cats, like any other small animal, move fast and require the fastest shutter speed you can get away with. Most, if not all, of these shots feature a shutter speed at or above 1/125th of a second. Having already run out of Ilford Delta 3200, TMax 400, another modern "T-grained" emulsion, was my next logical choice.



Something Good: My initial meter readings were spot on! Everything was metered using an old-fashioned, non-electric Sekonic meter.

Something Bad: Given the immense amount of fall-off from the few large light fixtures in this building, I had to choose my shots wisely. There are a few shots from this role, not shown or uploaded to Flickr, that came out incredibly, incredibly thin!

Something Learned: Even in the most basic of film developers, D-76, usable results can be achieved in a push so long as time, temperature, dilution, and agitation are controlled to the "T".

Next Week: Pushing some more TMax 400, for more animals!




The 52 Project, Week 34: Make it a Mamiya! 

This week, I'd like to discuss a VERY real issue that affects millions of photographers worldwide. Gear Acquisition Syndrome, GAS as it's more affectionately called, is a truly debilitating disease. It starts off much like any other addiction, with that first purchase. Be it toy camera or serious SLR rig, that first purchase never seems to be enough for GAS's insatiable appetite.

"I'll just go ahead and get one more lens for that Canon AE-1", you say.

It's already too late! Soon the "absolute" statements start becoming more and more ridiculous, all to fuel the never-ending GAS.

"But if I never try that Hasselblad 503CX, I'm sure there's something in photography that I'll be missing!"

And if there's still a shred of money left in your bank account, large format sets in. 0__0

"Wow! That 4x5 rig costs less than the Hasselblad. See? It's not that bad, I'll just go ahead and buy that too."

Little do you know, that film, paper, enlargers, chemistry, and a home darkroom are lurking right around the corner. At this point, it's best just to committ yourself now and save family and friends the pain.

Seriously, though, when one takes the next step by purchasing new photographic equipment, it's VERY easy to let the commercial interests grab hold of you and never let go. Got a photography magazine handy? Just open it up and look around; read an article or two. It becomes apparent through this magazine that the only conceivable way to become a better photographer is to buy whatever they're selling. And they're selling A LOT! Instead of dreading over what you don't have, how about going outside, having fun, and maybe take some fun pictures? You'll learn way more about photography doing/shooting what you love, and have more fun while doing it!

So after all this preaching about the GAS and its horrible consequences, why would I got out and purchase new gear? At the moment, I keep telling myself necessity, future weddings, commercial gigs, etc. Deep down inside, though, I know the answer is that it's just plain cool and "I can't live without one" >__<. I now present to you, the Mamiya 645AF

A few quick things about this newest acquisition:

  • It takes 120 film, like the Hasselblad, but also takes 220!
  • It produces a negative of 6x4.5cm, giving 16/32 shots per roll 120/220
  • It has spectacular autofocus, metering, and shooting modes, sometimes better than my Canon 1D!
  • It auto-winds the film from start to finish. A lifesaver in higher pressure environments such as weddings.
  • It accepts manual focus lenses from the long legacy of Mamiya 645 lenses.
  • It's future-proof. Should the future of film somehow turn grim, I can slap a digital back on this baby, assuming of course I can afford a new car. x__x

But enough about the camera, let's get onto some samples!


Pretty standard outdoor test shot.

This first roll of 16 through the Mamiya needed to be done with a pretty well-known, baseline standard of all films. Therefore, I had no choice but to use good 'ole Tri-X. Everything was shot at ISO 400, with a +1/3 stop compensation, just personal taste with this film. The film was later souped in D-76 stock for 7.5 minutes, making for results ANYBODY, even photo students, could expect from this camera.



The indoor test shots were surprisingly sharp!


Moving indoors, the camera performed quite well under low light conditions. The AF assist beam, also known as the moment-spoiler, does a pretty good job finding a subject quickly and accurately. Once the light falls below a 1/4 second exposure, however, it seems to hunt forever. The shot to the right was taken at 1/15th second, a pleasant surprise beckoning back to my days of silly slow hand-held digital exposures.



High contrast indoor scene? No problem.


Around the same time I started testing this camera out, I got the bright idea to make a few how-to videos in HD for both the Mamiya 645AF and the Hasselblad 500C. You can view the Mamiya 645AF video below, and you can find the Hasselblad 500C video here. Lauren, to the left of this paragraph, was kind enough to be my lovely production assistant for the day. We made it easy by agreeing to do one-takes only. x__x





Something Good: The Mamiya's meter is fantastic! Light readings were always spot on a variety of different light.

Something Bad: The shutter release noise and auto wind noises that the camera makes can be a little loud/annoying if in a sound sensitive environment. Just something to keep in mind.

Something Learned: I need to stop cutting my head off in future videos. For some reason, it sounded like a good idea at the time of recording. Now I know better.

Next Week: Back to the 'Blad + B&W.