Entries in mat marrash (25)


John Edward Lenhart, 1927 - 2012

Earlier this morning, I received news today that while incredibly saddening, is a humble reminder of just how strong an impact photography can have. Around 10AM this morning, my grandfather, John Edward Lehnhart (Ned), passed away. For the sake of both my family and myself while writing this, I'm going to spare the details surrounding his death. After all, this post has no meaning being on a photographer's blog being a "woe is me", this post will be about photography, and what it means to be a photographer during sorrowful times. 

About three and a half years ago, I was an eager senior at The University of Findlay waiting, excited to start his first ever Digital Photography class, with professor Jeff Salisbury. Within seconds of the sounding bell to class, Jeff asked the class, "Why do we as humans take pictures?" The flurry of usual answers ensued, "To express ourselves!", "To capture the world around us.", so on and so on. After a few minutes of not hearing the answer he'd wanted to come out, he started to get a little bit teary-eyed and asked the class, "What about because people die?". All fifteen of us students, stunned, had no idea how to respond to that. After a few more seconds of silence, Jeff went on to explain how a young woman he'd taken senior pictures of several years earlier had died in a car accident earlier that morning. He hadn't been taking the news well all day, and explained to us all just how important it is to get any pictures we can of our loved ones, no matter how mundane the portraits may seem at the time.

Today, with a bit of a smirk and a tear in my eye, I can confirm just how right Jeff was.

The technical qualities of a photograph always come second to the fact that you took the time to take it!What I used to think was a questionably executed photograph, an exercise in bad film loading, and a test sheet in a new developer, is now one of the strongest photos I have of my grandfather. Most of my relatives didn't even know this photo existed, until today, and now I'm going to spend the next several days making silver gelatin contacts, per my family's request. A typical snapshot of that loved one today could be one of the only things you have when they are gone.

So the next time you're photographing your boyfriend/girlfriend, spouse, crazy uncle, family pet for the ump-teenth time, calm their frustrations by letting them know these shots are for you.

Now get out there and make some great pictures!

Ned & Art at The Toledo Mud Hens John & Rita Lenhart, Maumee, OH


Happy 2012, Now Featuring Workshops!

Happy New Year, and may 2012 be a happy, healthy, prosperous year for all! 

If one of your New Year's Resolutions is to try film photography, get into the darkroom more, or just learn something new, be sure to check out the brand new Workshops section of this site (above). At the drop-down menu you'll notice two available workshops at the moment, Carbon Transfer Printing*, and One-On-One darkroom time.

*the carbon workshop date isn't set in stone yet, so if you have a date/time that works for you let me know!


The 52 Project...Gone But Not Forgotten

I blame spending too much time on the beach. :p

Wow, it's been two months already, where has the time gone?!

Well, The 52 Project has just ended, and boy were there a LOT of great images to sort through. On top of that, here's what else has been going on since late April:

Here's the fine print on my upcoming gallery show, mark your calendars.


July 11th - August 5th 2011 8AM-8PM

The 52 Project Gallery @ The Lea Gallery

The University of Findlay

1000 N. Main Street

Findlay, OH 45840


Please be sure to check out some of my work in person, prints >>> web, all day everyday.

Here's some links to the Facebook Event, just in case you need another reminder.


Cheers and hope to see you there!