End of June Photography Meetups
Friday, June 15, 2012 at 3:44PM
Mat Marrash in Above and Beyond, Photography, analog photography, analog's pulse, bill schwab, cleveland, fine art, fine art, meetup, photo meetup, photography, photostock, scott meivogel

As the days grow longer and warmer, photographers all over the northern hemisphere are finding it harder and harder to stay in their homes, looking for excuses to buy more gear. While in the midst of these gorgeous summer days, many photographers will find themselves meeting up, sharing stories, trading prints, and enjoying the days together. If you should find yourself so inclined, make sure to mark your calendar for the next two week's worth of events: 



That's it for now folks, it's back to the darkroom printing off some carbon transfers for Photostock 2012, hope to see you at one or both of these fantastic events!

Happy shooting, and long live film.

Article originally appeared on Mat Marrash, Analog Photographer, Findlay Ohio Film Photography (http://matmarrash.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.