So, now that the cat is out of the bag (and by cat I mean mountain lion), let’s examine how adding an even older, large format camera to mix effects The 52 Project as a whole. First, let’s go over the founding purposes of this project:
On the whole, nothing Earth-shattering will come of posting one or two 8x10 shots per week instead of posting a few more shots from a roll of film; besides, it’s not like the Hasselbald is dead, I still use it a whole helluva lot. Now let’s think about what adding large format to The 52 Project can provide:
So let’s review, adding the 8x10 not only preserves the integrity of The 52 Project, but it also broadens the spectrum of material that can be incorporated into this year-long study. Sweet for the readers, most-assuredly death for me. X___x
Something Good: The readers will be getting more content while I play around with new toys.
Something Bad: I can’t afford a bit of this 8x10 business. Oh, and film is nearly $6/sheet.
Something Learned: Routines must not be my thing. I’m always redrawing the rules and letting them evolve with my new photography exploits. For those of you who embrace this change, thank you, you won’t be disappointed.